Lavender is the most versatile of essential oils and is considered to be an adaptogen, meaning it brings balance & homeostasis where it is needed or lacking. Calming, soothing & reassuring- great for personal renewal. All-around balancing it is useful for stress, anxiety depression & extreme emotions or hysteria. Natural sedative properties make it ideal for insomnia & hyperactivity. Supports the immune system & lymphatic flow, reduces rapid heart beat & blood pressure, calms the nervous system & relaxes muscles. Balances hormones, soothes digestive upsets, antiseptic, heals & regenerates skin, anti-inflammatory & antispasmodic.
Directions: Place small amount in palms of hands, rub together, cup hands over nose & take several deep breaths through the nose. Use as needed. For all day use, rub on neck, chest & arms. Great addition to massage, as well!
Contains 100% pure essential oil of Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia), Sweet almond, Organic Olive & Jojoba oil and Vitamin E.